- Log into www.ipaf-training.com
- Select “eLearning Allocation Portal” from the main navigation panel.
- Select “eLearning allocation”.
- Complete the Course Details section, by selecting the eLearning course and then the language/regional variation of the course that you wish to allocate. You can also choose to add a due date or expiry date for the eLearning course if you wish. Please note that from April 2023, eLearning-only courses are charged at the point of allocation rather than when the qualification is processed. You then need to enter the candidate’s details.
Please note if you are allocating an eLearning only course (e.g. MEWPS for Managers) the candidate’s date of birth and your purchase order number are mandatory fields.
Once the details have been added you need to click “Add Candidate”.
You can repeat this process to add multiple candidates
- When you have added all your candidates, you will need to click “Allocate Training” to complete the process. This will allocate the course to the candidate(s) and send an email notification to the candidate(s) to access their training. This will also trigger an invoice from IPAF to your Training Centre for any eLearning-only courses.
- Once eLearning training has been allocated you will be taken to the Manage Applications ScreenFrom this screen you will be able to view the progress of the eLearning and also manage the candidates that it has been allocated to.
- You can view the candidates details by selecting the below action.
- From here you can edit the candidate’s information and also reset the facial recognition if applicable.
- If you have a candidate who has withdrawn from their training or is no longer going to complete it, you can archive their application. To do this, click the button shown below. Please note, this action is not reversible, so please be sure it is right before doing so.
For eLearning training allocated before 3 April 2023 you will still be able to check the progress and manage candidates by going to https://training.ipaf-pal.org/.
Pending: Awaiting training date or not yet started eLearning. Awaiting training date/completion of a booking or for eLearning only, their eLearning modules are at pending/available (and no modules have passed this state).
In Progress: The eLearning or practical course is in progress.
Passed: Candidate passed their eLearning or classroom-based course. Course completed successfully or all modules at a complete state (if any modules are at in progress the status will remain at in progress).
Processing: This has been sent to IPAF for a qualification to be issued.
Completed: Candidate has been issued with a qualification, either via ePAL (digital certificate or license) or a physical qualification dispatched by IPAF.
Archived: Record has been archived as no longer needed or candidate has withdrawn.