Error received when trying to view a trainee's receipt number

Support Admin (IPAF) -



Trainee Receipt numbers are displayed on the PDF certificates, which are generated when trainees successfully complete modules.

Sometimes, when trying to obtain a trainee's receipt number from their certificate in the LMS (by clicking on the module name in a trainee's training record) you can receive an unexpected error like the below.


The logic used to display information about how a trainee has progressed through a module, is dependant on how complex the module is. What this means is that the bigger and more complicated the module is then it can take a while to generate the page - and in some cases, generates an error like the above.


If you are having trouble accessing any trainee certificates, you can do the following:

  1. Go to the trainee record in the LMS.
  2. Right-click on module of interest and select 'Copy URL/Address'.
    It will look like
  3. Add /certificate/ to the end. e.g.

This will allow you to view certificates for users who have passed and obtain the receipt number.


Note: Developers are aware of this issue and it will be addressed in a future LMS update.




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