The Management Dashboard

Support Admin (IPAF) -

When logging in for the first time, the navigation will be displayed at the top of the screen:

The default view is the management dashboard, which by default has the following items, but can be customised on request: 

Module progress:  

This progress indicator shows the number of items issued to users within your organisation (Note. you can only see statistics relating to the users within your permission level and this may or may not include your whole organisation).

Passed: This indicates how many modules have passed in green with the total number of modules allocated in white.

Pending: This indicates how many trainees have received the training but not yet started it.

In Progress: This indicates how many training items have been started but not yet completed.

Failed: This indicates how many modules are currently in a failed status. (If users are allowed to retry modules, the number of failed modules may fluctuate).

Required Reading:

This indicator shows the status of document and news items that have been issued.

Documents: How been documents have been issued and how many have not yet been read.

News: How many news articles have been issued and how many have not yet been read.

For your attention:

Overdue Items: Every item, whether it is a module, document or news article can have both a due date and time and an expiry date and time. Overdue indicates how many items have passed their set due date but have not yet met the expiry date.

If an item passes the expiry date, it will be removed from all of the statistics and will be hidden from the user that it was issued to.

Enquiries: If the module has been built by Bolt it will have the ability to allow enquiries from within a module. The user will see a ‘?’ within the training and when clicked a form will allow them to ask a question.

The question will get sent to the designated manager for that organisational unit. Those enquiries will be logged in the manager’s system. To clear them, the manager will need to click and confirm that they have dealt with the enquiry.

Trainee Performance:

This indicator will show how many active users are in your system (that you have permission to view).

The recent activity table will show the last 10 activity items:








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