The Trainee Dashboard

Support Admin (IPAF) -

When you first login, you will see your training dashboard, including your own company logo (top left) and content relevant to you. An example of how your screen might look and the content available to you is displayed below:

The system has the functionality to deliver various types of content, as well as training modules.  However, not all of the features may be in use, so your screen may differ to the one displayed above.


All of the modules currently allocated to you, that have not been completed, will be displayed as an image tile with the title of the module contained within a coloured box.

To open a particular module and start your training, click on the tile.

If you wish to access a module already completed, you can select the ‘COMPLETED’ tab. These modules will be shown in a different colour.

Colour references

You will notice that the colours change as you work your way through modules, news articles and documents. These colours will differentiate between items that have been completed/read, not started at all, or overdue. The colours are customisable to every company but by default they are set to:

Blue: Not started yet

Green: Completed

Red: Overdue

Grey: Locked

News Articles

The system has the ability to display news articles. If your employer has chosen to use this feature, you will see the most recent news articles issued on the right of your dashboard.

Click on the news article you wish to read.  The unread status will disappear.


The system can also deliver documents, in whatever format chosen by your employer. Any documents delivered to you by the system are tracked and form part of your learning record.

You can open a document by selecting the title.  You have the option to save this document to your desktop, if you wish to do so.

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