Instructor-Led Presentable Module can get stuck when navigating with clicker or key presses

Support Admin (IPAF) -


Some users have reported that although the Instructor-Led module runs successfully, progressing between some of the slides has been inconsistent - particularly for instructors using clickers for navigation. 

Investigation confirmed that other navigation methods used to progress through the presentable module, such as arrow keys, PageDown or spacebar, could not move the module forward either. Additionally, the "Continue" button in the module ceased to be responsive, and users found that they needed to physically drag the scroll bar to continue with the module content.


Following investigation by the development team, the underlying issue was identified and linked to zoom settings or magnifications that users had set upon their computers.

Users often scale up the presentation, which runs in the default browser, from the default 100% zoom level. When the browser was set at a zoom level of 125% or 175%, the navigation could be affected. Setting screen scaling to 100%, 150% or 200% resolved the problem.

Instructions to resolve

When the Instructor-Led presentable module is launched, it will open in your default web browser (for example, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari etc.)

Regardless of what browser the training runs in - the zoom level of the browser window OR the Windows display can directly affect the navigation when using clickers or keypresses. 

Browser Zoom level changes

When you launch the course, please check the zoom level of the window. 100% or 150% or 200% work effectively, but percentages in-between these values can stop the training from moving forward using the clicker or keypresses. See the screenshot below for where you can adjust the browser zoom settings:


Instructions may differ slightly, depending on your browser and its version. To get more detailed information on how to change the zoom settings in your browsers, visit the appropriate link below:

Windows Display Settings

The other place where a zoom or magnification setting may be applied is in the Windows Display settings. To change these settings, access the display control panel using one of the following methods.

  • Right click on the Desktop and select 'Display settings'


    Or - in the Windows Settings menu, click 'System' and click on the 'Display' settings from there:

  • With the Display settings open, locate the 'Scale and Layout', as pictured below, and reset to 100%. 


  • Once any zoom settings have been changed and applied, close your Instructor-Led presenter module and re-launch. With the new settings applied in the browser and/or the system settings, the training navigation should function normally.


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